03 Oct Ep 33:From Misconceptions to Understanding: Shifting Perspectives on Invisible Disabilities with Dr. Akilah Cadet
If you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the lack of progress in creating an inclusive environment for individuals with chronic illness and disability, then you are not alone! Despite your efforts to advocate and educate, you may find that many individuals and organizations are still resistant to change, clinging to outdated beliefs and practices. Instead of the desired result of cultural shift and accommodation, you may encounter dismissiveness, exclusion, and a perpetuation of ableism, leaving you disheartened and questioning the possibility of real change.
Dr. Akilah Cadet is the Founder and CEO of Change Cadet, an organizational development consulting firm that offers services that support embedding belonging into overall organizational identity and strategy. As a Forbes Next 1000 Entrepreneur her work is behind some of the biggest brands you use everyday. Dismantling white supremacy through storytelling is at the core of her work as a leader, speaker, creative director, producer, writer, editor and author of forthcoming book White Supremacy is All Around: Notes From a Black Disabled Woman in a White World. She lives in Oakland, CA, literally has all the degrees, celebrates her disability, is a proud Beyoncé advocate, and has an incredible shoe game.
If people realized that those with chronic illness, chronic pain, and disability don’t look a specific way, we wouldn’t have to do all the stuff that we’ve just been talking about for the past ten minutes. – Akilah
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Explore the unspoken struggles endured by those living with unseen disabilities and chronic Health problems.
- Realize the significance of recognition and comprehension regarding people entangled in the hardship of invisible ailments.
- Immerse in inspirational tales of self-appreciation and triumph over adversity, especially under the weight of a chronic condition.
Witness the cultural shift towards acceptance – The conversation with Akilah provides clear insights into the cultural change required to create a more inclusive world for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Not only is Akilah a living demonstration of this shift, actively sparking change through her work, she also articulates the importance of celebrating disabilities rather than stigmatizing them. This episode aims to contribute to this cultural change, encouraging listeners to shift their viewpoints and action attitudes that celebrate diversity and inclusivity.